Commercial Intro

Eliminating malodorous aroma can be a day-to-day concern for Hotels, Casinos, Car, and  Recreation Vehicle Rental Companies,  any business plagued with odor-producing bacteria.

Eliminating odors sourced from feces, urine, vomit, and fermenting trash is a straightforward procedure for ODOR NEUTRALIZERS Bacterial Enzyme Complex. Treat the contaminated area with ODOR NEUTRALIZER and instantly suppress odor-producing bacteria on contact, without masking agents or fragrances.

ODOR NEUTRALIZER MUST COME IN CONTACT WITH THE SOURCE OF THE ODOR TO WORK PROPERLY. Fabrics need to be saturated and spray over hard surfaces.

To eliminate odors, clean and deodorize carpets and furniture tainted with urine or other organic liquids. Use enough ODOR NEUTRALIZER to leech down thoroughly to reach all areas contaminated by the source to eliminate odors properly. Carpet and furniture pads are the resting places where liquids settle, so be sure to use enough ODOR NEUTRALIZER to saturate the pads.  For old dried-in urine and other stains, be sure to keep moist for 10-15 minutes for ODOR NEUTRALIZER to break down stains. Next, use a mild scrub brush if necessary to remove the stain. Then finish up with a Carpet Cleaner or a Wet n Dry vacuum to remove the liquids. If there's a visual residue present after cleaning, pour warm water over the area, and remove excess water. Repeat the process if necessary.            Cleaning new carpets with ODOR NEUTRALIZER will bring out its original scent, like that "new car aroma," or you can scent it with your choice of fragrance. With ODOR NEUTRALIZER, there's no need to pull back the carpet to treat the pads.  Instead, let ODOR NEUTRALIZER DO THE WORK FOR YOU AND SAVE$$$$. It’s that simple and, yes, that fast.

Removing organic stains is simple using ODOR NEUTRALIZER. First, saturate the area, wait several minutes for the enzymes to break down dried-in stains. Next, use a mild bristle scrub brush for older stubborn stains. Then remove excess liquid with a Carpet Cleaner or a Wet n Dry vacuum. If any residues remain, pour warm water over the area and vacuum up excess liquid. Repeat the process if necessary.

Odors emanating from concrete or asphalt; spray a generous amount directly over the contaminated area and let it stand. Heat can pull the smell up to the surface again. When this occurs, repeat the application. Always keep in mind, for ODOR NEUTRALIZER to be utterly effective, it must reach the source of the odor.